How To Make Avocado Ice Cream...
- 2 avocados
- 1 /4 cup raw honey (see it here)
- 1/ 4 cup full fat coconut milk or other milk (almond milk, raw milk….) (see how to make coconut milk)
- pinch of sea salt (see it here)
- squeeze of lime
- Peel avocados or cut in half and remove the pit, scraping out the flesh.
2. Smash avocado meat with a fork until no lumps or place in blender.
3. Add honey to avocado meat, mix thoroughly with spoon.
4. Put mixture in blender.
5. Add coconut or other milk you are using to the mix.
6. Blend on medium until you get a nice smooth consistency.
7. Take out and freeze for at minimum 2 hours or overnight. -
Note:Sometimes the ice cream may be too frozen to eat directly from the freezer, so you may have to let it stand a little while in order for it to defrost (about 15 – 30 minutes).