Oh my goodness, we are just bursting with excitement here at Circle C Farm! A precious new baby calf has joined our family, and we couldn't be happier. As soon as the little one was born, our dear Maremma Dogs were right by its side, providing protection and security. These s...
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Published in APPPA Grit by Barb Gorski in winter 2000. View table of results: 2000 nutrition tests by gorski.pdf A collaborative effort among four pastured poultry producers in Pennsylvania, Double G Farm, Forks Farm, Lone Pine Farm, and Stricker Family Farm, resulted in a suc...
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Circle C Farm delivers to your door 100% grass fed & grass finished beef and lamb. Pasture raised chicken, turkey, duck, pork and amazing pasture raised hens and ducks, that provide the most wonderful eggs. We are one of only two farms in the US that raises and harvests on...
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Circle C Farm accepts EBT SNAP, we do this year round! We truly believe that EVERYONE should have access to the best FRESH Healthy CLEAN LOCAL beef, lamb, pork, chicken, duck, turkey, eggs and honey there is. And, to be able to get them year round! Please share this with other...
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